Thursday, January 6, 2011

Mental Wanderings - Balance to the Force

Another science fiction related query I've had is related to the role of Anakin Skywalker. It was said that he would bring balance to the Force. In my mind, bringing balance to the Force would mean that in some way the Light and Dark Sides would live in a sort of harmony - like the yin and yang. This is not what Anakin accomplished though. His defeat of the Emperor and his overcoming the power of the Dark Side in his own life led to a defeat of the Dark Side and the victory of the Light Side. Therefore, he did not bring balance to the Force, but a clear, one-sided victory of the Light Side.

1 comment:

  1. not sure why i commenting on this when i have so much work, but the topic is so fascinating!

    in episode 1, the republic is corrupt, the jedi's are complacent, and evil, though yet unseen, is rising. the balance is shifting strongly to the dark side. evil grows in episode 2 (empire established, clone wars begin). by episode 3 good is pretty much wiped out (emperor palpatine, order 66). it takes episode 4 to 6 for that evil to be extinguished (well, sort of, palpatine cloned himself).

    imo, the "balance" is pretty much an annihilation of both sides. obi and yoda are dead. the jedi order is gone. no siths are around. palpatine is "dead". only luke, a noob really, remains.
