Tuesday, September 10, 2013

If God is for us

The prayer that Jesus taught to His followers begins with these familiar words: "Our Father in heaven". We must be careful to not treat the recitation of these words as a mere formality before we offer up petitions to God, for they are rich with faith-building truth.
They remind us that when we pray we are praying to our Father. Who is a father? A father is someone who should love us more than anyone else on the face of the earth. He is someone who should stand up for us, fight for us, provide for us and want what is best for us. There is no better place to be than in the arms of a devoted father. While many people have had bad experiences with their fathers, our Father in heaven is good and loving and perfect. He wants what is good for us and can be trusted, even in the midst of dark and confusing times, to lead us towards the good.
And so we pray to our loving Father. But He is not just any father. While our earthly dad might want what is best for us he is limited. He only has a certain amount of time, money and energy. And while he may want what is best he is limited in wisdom and may not know what is best nor how to achieve it. We don't pray to a limited father but to our Father in heaven. We pray to the One who created the heavens and the earth. The one who knit us together in our mothers' wombs. The one for whom nothing is impossible.

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