Thursday, October 15, 2015

The Trinity and Community

The Lord God said, “It is not good for the man to be alone. I will make a helper suitable for him.” (Genesis 2:18, NIV)

Community as God ordained it was not an incidental concern of his nor did it happen haphazardly as the serendipitously creative result of a transcendental cosmic brainstorm. Community is deeply grounded in the nature of God. It flows from who God is. Because he is community, he creates community. It is his gift of himself to humans.[1]

Before the beginning of time, there was God. A single God, but not a lonely God. This idea has fascinated me for some time. It seems to me, that if God existed as one Person, then either He would not have been love, or He would have been less than self-sufficient. For while a non-loving Person could exist on His own without any sense that something was missing, a loving Person could not. Love requires an object, and is never fully satisfied when that object is merely itself. 

How can a loving God be self-sufficient? The Trinity gives us the answer: by existing as three Persons. Father loving Son, Son loving Spirit, Spirit loving Father, and so forth. A perfect, loving community has existed for all eternity in the Trinity. Love is central to the nature of God. Relationship is essential to the image of God.

The church is a messy entity. I am imperfect and will let you down. You are imperfect and will let me down. But we need each other. It is not good for us to be alone. Each of us have gifts that will help lead others into richer lives and into a deeper walk with Christ.

[1] Bilezikian as recorded in Julie Gorman, Community that is Christian (Grand Rapids: Baker, 2002), p. 28.

1 comment:

  1. when i was an atheist, i thought the idea of the Trinity was an illogical absurdity. as i studied christianity more, i came to think of it as a paradox, a non-contradiction. after i became a christian, i considered the Trinity to be a doctrine to be accepted by faith – true but mysterious. in time, the truth of it became wondrous and immense. nowadays, like your post speaks to, the Trinity just must be how God must be. it cannot be any other way.
