Wednesday, February 18, 2015

Faith in Focus on Mission - Sharing the Gospel

The story of Philip and the Ethiopian  eunuch is a beautiful one (Acts 8:26-40). There are two things that I would like to reflect on here.

First of all, the obedient heart of Philip is an incredible example. He is directed where to go and he goes. Then he is told which chariot to join and he runs to the chariot. He could have questioned the wisdom of these commands. He could have said that he had other things he would rather do. He could have said that he was not ready to serve God or he could have let fear prevent him from acting. But we hear of none of these things. Philip simply obeys the leading of God. With fantastic results.

God still speaks to us today. He speaks through the Bible. He whispers to our spirits. He guides through the wisdom of fellow believers. When God calls us to do something we must jump into action. Rather than make excuses for not acting, may we respond as Philip did, with the hope that God will do something incredible!

Secondly, Philip takes advantage of the situation before him. When he notices that the Ethiopian is reading from Isaiah he engages him in conversation and is allowed to share the message of Jesus. When we hear people read Scripture or speak about religious matters a door is opened for us. We can walk through that door if we are ready and willing, and can bless people with the truth of God. Or we can shy away and keep this great message to ourselves. May God give us the passion and the courage to speak the Good News!

May I provide all of us with a challenge for the coming week? It is simply this, to be ready to share the Gospel each day. To be ready in each conversation, in each interaction, to bring Christ into it if it seems that God is opening a door or if we feel a tug on our heart to do so. May we have wisdom, courage and power.

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