Saturday, February 7, 2015

In Pursuit of Health - Introduction

I want to lose weight.
"Why?" you ask.
For many reasons. Let me enlighten you.
First of all, I want to be healthier. Being overweight is linked to many diseases. I don't want one of these diseases to claim my life or prevent me from doing what I want. If I choose to climb Mount Everest when I'm 63, I want to be able to do it.
Secondly, I have three boys (and another child on the way) - I want to set an example for them as to how they should treat their bodies. I never want them to say (or think), "My dad lives and looks like Jabba the Hut - I can too!"
Thirdly, I have three boys (and another child on the way) - I want to be around for them. As a dad I have a responsibility to be here for them and I cannot allow my selfishness (if I'm honest that's what's causing my weight problem) to drive me to an early grave.
Next, I want to know what its like to be lighter. I have always enjoyed sports and I exercise. However, lately I've been wondering what it would be like to be able to fly across a sports field without gravity's relentless tug winning the battle.
Fifthly, I want to look better. For me. For my wife. For the world. Perhaps that's vanity. I choose to call it courtesy.
Furthermore, I might have a hernia. In order to have a hernia operation at the world's best clinic I need to be lighter. And most importantly, I need to honour God with this body, and being as overweight as I am is certainly not honouring to Him. There might be other reasons, but that's enough for now.
My plan is to post regularly on how this journey is going. Successes. Failures. Plans. Things that work for me and things that don't. Perhaps no one will ever read it. But I believe that it will be helpful for me. 

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